Many companies organically grow to capacity and then struggle to move forward. When attempting to pass certain profit thresholds, most SME’s find scale or time to be the major hurdles. If your enterprise environment for acquisition is correct, MVEST will support you through the acquisition lifecycle.
Whether you want to increase your market share, spread your fixed costs, gain better control of your supply chain, diversify your activities or expand overseas, acquiring another company can bring these benefits at a faster pace than organic expansion might otherwise allow.
Whilst our experts are able to originate attractive acquisition opportunities, we find the most cost effective position for SME’s, is for MVEST to be employed once you have a target acquisition in mind. Accountants and legal teams will underpin the financial position, however it is imperative to integrate acquisitions into the existing business. MVEST provides a coherence to the existing business models, operational structure and facilitates seamless integration.
MVEST conducts rapid, pre negotiation due diligence activity to ensure you understand a target company operating model, the enterprise and financial risks, before developing the optimal negotiation strategy, which can then be implemented by your team or ours. Alongside, MVEST will provide acquisition integration support to ensure you end up with an agile but coherent business, aligned and delivering to your strategic goals.
Conversely, MVEST can also help you develop a profitable disposal, making your business truly attractive to perspective buyers. MVEST can optimise your marketability and ensure business integration opportunities are in place, to achieve the best value properisiton in marketplace to maximise shareholder returns.